Effortless to convert MTS file to final cut pro x for editing

Final cut pro X was released on June20, 2012, it kicked off a storm in the pro video editing community. Final cut pro x is a trackless 64-bit application, and allow it to scale and use all available cores for o https://atlaspro-iptv.online/ processing such as rendering and transcoding. With it, you can do the editing freely. Bellow, you can learn some new features of final cut pro x:


1.Background rendering will save you a ton of time. Like iMovie, Final Cut Pro X will constantly render clips in the background so you can continue working while all the nitty gritty is going on behind the scenes.

2.Smart face-detection and shot-detection categorizes your clips into Smart Collections. With this new feature, Final Cut Pro X will know whether each shot is a close up or medium shot, and it will also know who is acting in the shot.

3.The new “Auditioning” feature lets you try out different takes on the fly. With “Auditioning,” you can add effects, extra b-roll takes, and more to your timeline in a non-destructive way, right on top of your current footage.

4.Start editing before your footage finishes importing. Importing tons of footage can take an eternity, and Final Cut Pro X lets you get started soon after you begin the import to your computer. This feature will save time and make importing footage seamless.


5.Magnetic Timeline makes sure your audio and video never get disrupted. In past versions of Final Cut Pro, audio and video would get displaced or trimmed whenever you’d drop in another audio or video file. Now, clips will move out of the way into another track when you drag in more footage. A much appreciated new feature.

With this software, you will do lots of things, like edi