The Secret: Mind Over Matter Or Complete Hogwash? (Review of The Secret DVD)

“The secret is the answer to all that has been, all that is and all that will ever be.” Ralph Emerson 1803-1882.

When Oprah starts talking about something, you just have to listen. When she featured an ensemble cast from The Secret on her show, you really had to perk up your ears and open your eyes.

I glanced at the TV and turned up the volume. I was thinking if there was a secret, Victoria couldn’t be far behind. I watched anxiously for a parade of barely clad beauties to bless the stage. They never materialized.

Instead a group of extremely animated speakers kept mentioning something called the Secret again and again. What in the name of Oprah is this? What the heck were these outwardly sane looking people talking about? A new Religion? A new reality TV show? A new YouTube sensation?They captured my attention even though new age metaphysical philosophy is not high on my list of priorities. But this was coming from a lady who did a serious discussion on ‘poop with dignity’ on national TV and pulled it off. Lets give credit where credit 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 is due. Oprah can give class to anything.

As I watched her animated guests I became hooked. I had to see this Secret DVD that they were discussing in such glowing terms. I just had to get my hands on this video and judge for myself.

I watched it on my laptop in one sitting. I was transfixed. I was mesmerized. I was completely surprised with the message being explained.

Could there be any substance to this theory?Throughout history there was one secret that all the great minds knew about and kept from us? Could there be an underlying force or law of nature determining the outcome of every aspect of our lives? Wealth, health, happiness, relationships… you name it and it’s controlled by this law of nature.

The one factor which determines whether we succeed or fail. The one factor which holds the key to our destiny. Basically, this law of nature or this force is simply mind over matter. We can use our minds and thoughts to attract the things we truly desire in life. This law of attraction is one enormous step towards empowerment……if you believe it!That’s the whole crutch of this argument. From a realist’s viewpoint this is a very hard swallow! As for me, I found it extremely difficult to get past the ‘hogwash’ test. I would imagine it may be too far ‘out there’ for many people – think Shirley MacLaine’s beliefs on steroids!But even the most skeptical of us will realize or have some understanding of how powerful our own minds are in determining what happens to us. Our thoughts and beliefs really do shape us into what we are. Our minds may just be the last great mystery or frontier we have yet to explore.