What is deep web, dark web and surface web?

Internet has become a very important part of our life. We use the Internet every day. It is not possible for many people to live without internet. Today I am going to talk about this other aspect of internet.

1) Surface Web:

Whenever we surf, download, upload or do anything on the Internet, they are all part of the Surface Web. Many people believe that pornography is also part of the dark web, but they are half true, pornography is a film industry and we cannot call it part of the deep web but there are many things that connect this ihttps://visualmodo.com/ ndustry with the dark web Huh .

Cyber experts believe that the Surface Web is only .03% of the Internet and the rest of the 6.98% is filled with Dark Web and Deep Web.

2) Deep Web: Deep web is an encrypted network, all the websites of deep web are hidden with the help of a special or secret letter, which we can also call as password. These websites do not appear on any search engines.

Due to all the information of Deep Web being encrypted, no search engine (like Google) can read this data and for this reason no website of Deep Web is found on Google or any other search engine. If you want to surf in deep web, then you must have a special browser, and that is tor browser.