3D printing is a very interesting form of manufacturing technology that isn’t doing anything but expanding. This layer by layer process has been the key to creating incredibly intricate shapes that consist of organic curves, hollow centers, and moving parts. Feats such as a ball within a ball have been created through this process, which is almost unheard of within the manufacturing world. One thing that is interesting in my opinion is to watch the expansion of this technology; it excites me as well as other 3D printing enthusiasts to watch as this technology e https://npfinancials.com.au/falls into the hands of the everyday consumer. Many corporate leaders such as Stratasys, EOS, Objet, 3D systems, and Makerbot really push to reach this goal; everyone needs to know about this technology. Fortunately, there is promise within this subject.
Lately, the home printer movement has been on the rise. Prices of printers are dropping well below $2,000 in many cases – giving hobby designers and product developer a chance to make things! In addition to that, the industry itself has grown in stature within the past 2 years. I personally believe that 3D printing is just now starting its exponential expansion.
Government action has also taken place within the world of 3D printing. To my knowledge, the Pentagon has recently launched a 60 million dollar program in which a massive facility will be created for manufacturing projects. This is great to see the recognition and expansion of the technology.
In addition to the government’s involvement with 3D printing, private interests have been involved with this interesting manufacturing technology. Peter Thiel recently awarded 20 $100,000 blocks of money on various technology projects. One of the projects involved 3D printing. Hopefully this money for research will be strong enough to leave a big impact in the 3D industry.