STEAM Education and Video Games: Taking STEAM Educational Games to the Next Level

Educators have had many challenges over the past decade as the educational system has undergone change driven by new government and community policies aimed at improving educational outcomes and shifting focus in line with changing career and industry landscapes. And like any large industry, there has been much disagreement internationally with some of the changes, most famously in recent time adding the “A” for arts to STEM to evolve it into STEAM education. And as blended and multimodal learning gains more and more credibility, a common question that invokes debate is whether STEAM educational games can be used as a serious educational tool in the teacher’s toolbox.

The meaning of knowing today has shifted from being able to recall and repeat information to being able to find it, evaluate it and use it compellingly at the right time and in the right context; using higher order skills, like the ability to think, solve complex problems or interact critically through language and media. In developing these skills, many STEAM education experts believe an important part of improving our current educational approaches should include a way to help kids learn from what they do best – play!

Games naturally support this form of education. Some experts argue that games are, first and foremost, learning systems, and that this accounts for the sense of engagement and Hi88 entertainment players experience. STEAM educational games are designed to create a compelling complex problem space or world, which players come to understand through self-directed exploration. Their meta-game and quest systems are designed to deliver just-in-time learning and to use data to help players understand how they are doing, what they need to work on and where to go next. Games create a compelling need to know, a need to ask, examine, assimilate and master certain skills and content areas.

According to the PEW Research Center, as many as 97% of tweens and teens play computer games. Games are wildly popular among children and teens and many educators seek to tap into this popularity and use games to maximize engagement in the classroom and at home.

“Game players regularly exhibit persistence, risk taking, attention to detail, and problem solving, and all behaviors that ideally would be regularly demonstrated in school.” – MIT, Education Arcade. Similarly, the Federation of American Scientists state that: “The success of complex video games demonstrates that games can teach higher-order thinking skills such as strategic thinking, interpretative analysis, problem solving, plan formulation and execution, and adaptation to rapid change. These are the skills U.S. employers increasingly seek.”