It seems odd to think about serverless technology, but when it comes to the value, this brings to the table, it’s great for mobile app developers.
The serverless technology has been in existence since 2014 when Amazon Web Services unveiled the AWS Lambada serverless computing services. The race in this technology rose in 2016 when and cloud service providers swung in that direction. The sky is just the beginning for this promising technology.
In 2017, Gartner published their Annual strategic tech trends which the firm described how the serverless-technology was part and parcel of the mesh app and service architecture, commonly known as MASA. The MASA architecture is a multichannel solution that leverage APIs, containers, microservices, serverless computing and cloud to deliver flexible, dynamic and modular solutions. In the journey to achieve this, more tools will be developed to make it a reality.
That is why we are going to discuss the top things that mobile app developers should be aware of when it comes to serverless tech. Let’s dive in.
Servers are still being used
Serverless tech can be described as an approach to replace virtual machines with computing power that exists once a request is placed, and it disappears after use. In the serverless structure, it includes (BaaS)backend-as-a-service and (Faas) function-as-a-service. Functions are invoked because of specific events. Functions are described as small packages of code that run within containers to the point where they die once the task is finished.
This concept does not mean that servers are not in place. Servers are actually involved in the process. The difference between serverless computing and cloud services is that server is not always running in a serverless architecture. Additionally, you don’t have to manage the servers or worry about how you can scale. You only have to deploy the code, and you are good to go. It also costs less because your servers run when they only need to.
Pay for what you use
As a developer, you need to develop applications appreciating the cost-effective nature of the serverless architecture. In serverless architecture, you don’t pay for idle resources. This is a great advantage because it is now possible for companies to cut down their costs of operation.